Tube Steelhead Beetle – Medium # 6
Here the acclaimed Steelhead Beetle created by Mr. Rob Brown a well-known angler in Terrace BC – Favored by many steelhead anglers we know and a “must-have-fly” in the fly box if you fish the tributaries of the mighty Skeena River in BC Canada – This fly was one of the first wake fly patterns we turned into tube wake flies and we haven changed the formula much – The body is made from the fantastic dubbing from John Rohmer.
We know you’re going to enjoy fishing this pattern – it comes highly recommended As many of our other wake flies it is tied on our Riffling hitch tube 3.2 millimetres –

Medium version
This a 25-millimeter version –The Medium version – Equivalent to a fly tied on a # 6 hook

Fish your fly with the hook up-side-down
Just like some anglers will fish the hook reversed on the Quigley’s Dragon Gurgler – they would also use this technique on their Tube Steelhead Beetle – to do so in an easy and smart way you may use a so-called egg hook or up-eye hook– as seen fitted on the fly in the image to the lift. The up-eye hook will enable you to get a different angle on the hook and the low-memory medium soft tubing this steelhead wake Bomber is tied on, is well suited to accommodate such a fly fishing method.
Fly is displayed with a hook but is sold without a hook – Please buy hook separately – Look for information to the left
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I like the buggy profile of the steelhead beetle with the spread hair wings which make a nice wake. The tippet lead under the tube is brilliant.
I have fished the Bulkley regularly for the last 25 years. This recent August trip was an add-on to my regular early-October visit. Several fish came to the beetle – everything from a classic trout sip to a fish that exploded three times around the fly at the end of a skate then exploded on the next swing before a hard take.
One of the guides gave me a large round bug you tied custom for my friend Derek. With that fly I took my best Bulkley fish ever – a mid-teen buck that showed twice before taking then went well into my backing with four water clearing jumps. Great fish. I sat in the boat for 15 minutes to collect myself. I have asked Derek to get me a dozen of these flies when he puts in his order for next year. In choppy currents, the bulk disturbs more water and seems to provoke the fish.
Thank you for your thoughtful design and careful work.

We’ve done so well on your flies over the years and they skate so well that we don’t need to fish anything else when it comes to wake flies!
A dedicated page on the subject steelhead wake flies
Visit our page on the subject steelhead wake flies – Read about some of the famous surface flies and the people who made them – Lear techniques from some of the best steelhead top-water anglers
The page on the subject
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Andrew W. (verified owner) –