Iridescent material in fly tying

A connection between prey and predator
A substantial percentage of Atlantic salmon and steelhead food at high seas is fish, often small silverfish like capelin and sand-eel. These and many other baitfish and various sea worms have some form of iridescent colour structure in their colouration and iridescence as colour may very well play a part in the way prey and bait play hide and seek in the ocean –
In this highly advanced hide-and-seek game, we may assume that the predators have abilities and detecting skills that will get them close to the prey. Glimpses of light shimmering on an iridescent surface could be a critical element that could bring the predators closer to the baitfish they are looking for.
Read more about iridescent material on salmon and trout lures
Iridescence (also known as goniochromism) is the luminous colour that seems to change when seen from different angles. It is often created by structural colouration. We have found that iridescent material can be used as an attractor for salmon and trout
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