Selection of Iridescent Sunray Shadow tube flies
A new way to perceive traditional fly fishing
For 3 consecutive salmon seasons, we have worked together with the Norwegian salmon angler Mr. Håvard Vistnes to model a new series of Sunray Shadow flies – Flies that is designed to be fished fast or fished in fast water – They have a slick flat profile and a very eye-catching body design – The mylar that is used for the body is glued on the tube for extra endurance – A split-colouring of the plastic tube creates a contrast look.
Here we have put together a selection of these fine Iridescent Sunray tube flies
 All proven European tube fly patterns in the perfect size.
We know that anglers fishing the East Coast of Canada, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland will be happy to use these flies they work perfect on your rivers… We have tested them
We have not yet had any anglers fishing these tube flies for steelhead but hope to do so in the upcoming season – We believe steelhead won’t dodge this fly.

Try them out this season – we think you will be amazed
The iridescent Sunray Shadow series

Iridescent is camouflage…
Working together with salmon angler Håvard Vistnes from the very North of Norway we devised a simple series of very special Sunray Shadow flies – They are built slim with selected hair from the Himalayan goat – The iridescent material is wound and glued onto the body to give the fly a shimmering but also see-through body… We know you will be amazed by the catching ability of these flies – they are some of the best salmon flies we have ever tried
Iridescence (also known as gonochorism) is the property of certain surfaces that appear to change color as the angle of view or the angle of illumination changes – used by land and water animals to hide from or confuse predators – who themselves also use the properties of the iridescent to hide from their prey
Photo © of iridescent snake Mr. Marc A. Spataro
Why are these long wing Sunray Shadow flies so good?
Erratic bait-fish
Why are these long wing Sunray Shadow flies so good?
A substantial percentage of the food Atlantic salmon and steelhead eat at high seas is fish – often small silver fish like Capelin and sand-eel as seen on photo – Most likely the long-winged tube fly like the Sunray Shadow will encapsulate the essence of these fish
Baitfish like sand-eel is on the menu for salmon across the northern hemisphere – The Sunray Shadow is a very good representation of these gleaming and erratic fish

The other iridescent sunrays
Sunray Shadow type flies
Sunray Shadow type flies
Sunray Shadow type flies
Sunray Shadow type flies
Sunray Shadow type flies
Sunray Shadow type flies

Fish them fast!
These Iridescent flies are designed for fast waters and fast retrieve – A thin long wing gives the fly a very slender look and we cast them across the river on a 90-degree angle or even upstream… We retrieve them in a fast ripping motion.. and often leave them still – only – when we reach the rod tip… Most salmon will take this fly with a huge splash often jumping clear of the water… We strike when we see the fish jumping or the line tightens
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