The important shrimp flies

Addicted to scrimps
Shrimp and prawns are a vital part of the Atlantic salmon and steelhead diet, and shrimp and prawn patterns are a necessary part of the fly box.
These flies work best if they are fished in a specific manner – preferably drifting sideways toward the resting fish… looking alive and with the resolution of a crustacean.
We do some of the finest shrimp flies in the fly fishing business – Styled to perfection using the best material possible –
Must have flies if you fish for Salmonidae.
Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
Shrimp Flies
Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
Shrimp Flies
Flies for Iceland
Shrimp Flies
Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
Shrimp Flies
Shrimp Flies
Shrimp Flies
Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
Shrimp Flies
Shrimp Flies
Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
Fishmadman Best sellers
Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
Fishmadman Best sellers
Fishmadman Best sellers
Fishmadman Best sellers
Flies for Iceland
Fishmadman Best sellers
Shrimp Flies
Shrimp Flies
Fishmadman Best sellers
Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
Fishmadman Best sellers
Shrimp Flies
Flies for Iceland
Riffling hitch flies
Collection Of Flies
Shrimp Flies