The size of this Sunray
This an 110 – 130-millimeter fly…or big version – The tubing is 53 millimeters long – The tubing is 3.2/2.0 mm. thick – The tubing diameter is flexible due to the special nylon compound we have formulated – So bigger hooks than those we suggest could be used
Why are these long wing Sunray Shadow flies so good?
Gleaming baitfish
A substantial percentage of the food Atlantic salmon and steelhead eat at high seas is fish – often small silver fish like Capelin and sand-eel as seen on photo – Most likely the long-winged tube fly like the Sunray Shadow will encapsulate the essence of these fish
Baitfish like sand-eel is on the menu for salmon across the northern hemisphere – The Sunray Shadow is a very good representation of these gleaming and erratic

From the Zebra Sunray series
Sunray Shadow Gold
Sunray Shadow Gold
Sunray Shadow type flies
Sunray Shadow type flies
Sunray Shadow type flies
Sunray Shadow type flies
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Sunray Shadow Gold
Sunray Shadow Gold
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