The leader is an extension of your fly line … We recommend poly leaders.
The link between our fly line and fly is of great importance to our casting and presentation skills and choice of leader and tippet material is often debated among anglers. We have chosen a selection of polymer leaders from UK company Airflo. Leaders that we have used…sins the day they were designed

Polymer leaders will attract more fish…
This is obviously a very bold statement and in fact it is not the polymer leader in itself that attracts the fish – but the dynamic polymer leader will be able to transform some of the many fine swirls and curls of the river surface – into micro-movements in your leader and finally your fly – something quite useful when you use heavy fly lines, short shooting heads or Skagit lines

The density of the polymer leaders will aid you in turning over big wake and dry flies in windy conditions. The greater density of the polymer leader will also help you to cast straight and precise when using a long line.

Our favoured polymer leaders are all slow sinking – We prefer these leaders to those leaders that float because the submerged leader cast less of a shadow that may frighten the fish – The submerged leader also cause less disturbance on the surface.

- Hover: 0.5 inches pr. second
- Intermediate 1.5 inches pr. second
Probably the only fly shop in the world that keep leaders and tippet in the fridge…

Longer lasting when kept cold
** Why we keep our nylon and polymer leaders/tippet in the refrigerator?
99% of chemical reactions go slower if they are cold, and as a guide, for artificial age testing of polymers, the rule of thumb is 10 degrees Celsius= doubling of the time. This is a readily used formula in polymer (nylon) product lifespan validation.
philippe cardon (verified owner) –