Our range of Lee Wulff style Bombers
Lee Wulff was the modern forefather of dry fly fishing for salmon, and his influence on salmon dry fly fishing and the flies we use is visible on most rivers where salmon run. We have chosen to have a range of Lee Wulff style Bombers made in a way that resembles the style of flies Lee Wulff would use in his fishing…relatively short and bulky with a dens hackle…tied on strong chemically sharpened hooks.

The missing link – Bugs made for dry fly and wet
We have chosen a small selection of heavy-duty bugs tied on heavier hooks than we do our normal bugs. These bugs are made explicitly for fishing just in the area dry/wet… or just below the surface. You may grease them up and fish them dry or as a flymph, and you may choose to fish them wet… An important fly when fly fishing is getting complicated, and one form of fly fishing is in the transition to another form of fly fishing.
A stronger hook
We have chosen a somewhat more extensive and stronger hook for these Bugs as they also need to work in fast flows fished wet… a common technique both with steelheaders and Atlantic salmon anglers.

Think trout…
Think trout…A collection of minor bugs to catch finicky salmon and trout in warm water – We know from months and years of fishing – not getting those fish to the bank …that small flies could make or break – Some designed by us – Others classic bugs from around the world – Don´t leave without them… the angler that thinks trout…when he goes salmon fishing… is often the most successful.
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Caddisfly - imitating wake flies
Sea trout flies for Argentina
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
Dry flies on hook
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