Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube
We made a small selection of this great fly pattern (a version of the Willie Gunn Snaelda) The willie Gunn pattern is a hair wing pattern after the head keeper on the Sutherland Estates (river Brora) in Scotland
The Snaelda or Snælda as it is called in Old Norse is also the name of a hand spindle made from wood used for spinning, twisting fibres such as wool, into yarn. The Snaelda fly is Made in so many versions in various colours – you usually find the Snaelda flies with a black wool body made to be fished deep
This version is tied on a copper tube
If you are pursuing salmon in Norway, Scotland or Russia …this is one of the flies to bring
Also, see the 2 other sizes we do a version of this fly pattern

Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
Shrimp Flies
Flies for Iceland
Shrimp Flies
Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
Flies for Iceland
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