The different poly leaders we sell – with a bit of guidance
The Airflo TROUT polyleader
A leader for small and medium rivers, difficult fish and fine presentation
Smoothly tapered leader to give you an easy turnover of dries, riffling hitch and other lightweight flies – A favoured leader for summer fishing in low water situations – It delivers your fly accurately without too much disturbance
Strength (core strength)12lb
Leaders and tippet material
Leaders and tippet material
The Airflo SALMON/STEELHEAD polyleader
A leader for small, medium and big rivers – distance casting wind conditions
The Airflo Salmon/steelhead poly leader is available with us in one length (5 feet) and two densities; hover and intermediate.
This is our preferred leader for fishing with Bombers and other bulky flies that need that extra to be turned over when casting on distance. The leader stays just below the surface when fishing and is perfect for avoiding drag or casting frightening shadows.
Strength (core strength) 24lb
Leaders and tippet material
Leaders and tippet material
The Airflo SEA TROUT/STEELHEAD poly leader
A leader for big and medium rivers – Distance casting and fine presentation
Developed for the big Scandinavian Sea-Trout, this leader is equally at home for big steelhead. The shorter 8’ length is preferred by anglers fishing lighter line sizes and single hand rods, yet still require the heavy breaking strain leaders required to land these fish in difficult conditions we also use this leader for high water conditions and also our double hand rods.
Strength (core) 24lb
Fishmadman Best sellers
Airflo polyleader Sea Trout Steelhead Clear intermediate 8 ft
Leaders and tippet material
Fishmadman Best sellers
Leaders and tippet material
Airflo polyleader Sea Trout Steelhead Ex.Super Fast Sinking 8 ft
The Airflo SALMON EXTRA STRONG polyleader
A leader for big rivers, high water, hook and hold fishing…better fly presentation with heavy fly linesThe, strong leader for extra heavy water and bigger fish. A poly leader that offers great turnover for bulky and heavy flies. A leader that can change heavy shooting heads and ditto full fly lines into fly lines that will present the fly better – Your best connection for heavy fly lines
Leaders and tippet material
Airflo polyleader salmon extra strong Clear intermediate 8 ft
Probably the only fly shop in the world that keep leaders and tippet in the fridge…

Longer lasting when kept cold
** Why do we keep our nylon and polymer leaders/tippet in the refrigerator?
99% of chemical reactions go slower if they are cold, and as a guide, for artificial age testing of polymers, the rule of thumb is 10 degrees Celsius = doubling of the time. This is a readily used formula in polymer (nylon) product lifespan validation.
Leaders and tippet material
Airflo polyleader Sea Trout Steelhead Ex.Super Fast Sinking 8 ft
Fishmadman Best sellers
Leaders and tippet material
Leaders and tippet material
Leaders and tippet material
Leaders and tippet material
Leaders and tippet material
Fishmadman Best sellers
Airflo polyleader Sea Trout Steelhead Clear intermediate 8 ft
Leaders and tippet material
Airflo polyleader salmon extra strong Clear intermediate 8 ft