Famous Danish sea trout fly - The Glimmer reje

Torben Gosh – The designer behind the Glimmer Rejen (Sparkling shrimp)
Torben Gosh – is the designer behind the Glimmer Reje Fly (Sparkeling Shripm Fly)Torben Gosh is one of Denmarks famous sea trout anglers and with his fly Glimmer Rejen from the 80´s he designed a simple fly that has been part of the Scandinavian costal fly box ever sins. It is a fly that workes especially good when the watern turns cold in the late autoum and all through the winter. Here we have designed the fly as close as possible to the original Glimmer Reje.
You might have spoken to Torben if you have visited the iconic fly tying shop Salmonfly on Frederikssundsvej in Cophenhagen. On Fridays Torben can be found in the shop where he will answer questions on fly fishing and fly tying
See the other famous Danish sea trout flies in our series
Micro tube flies and other such flies for finicky fish
Sea Trout Flies
Sea Trout Flies
Sea Trout Flies
Sea Trout Flies
Sea Trout Flies
Sea Trout Flies
Ian Stuart (verified owner) –
Andrew W. (verified owner) –